We wish to design and develop a high-quality complete learning kit for micro:bit, cases integrated with IoT, so that teachers will be easier to teach the IoT with real life situation and knowledge in the project.
To be recognized as a well-known hardware in the IoT field for micro:bit users. Based on our team experience and knowledge, we strive to making it available and easy to use for everyone.

Smarthon is an international educational technology company. One of our goals is to help the current education methods by designing simplified devices and applying the ever-changing technology development to teaching. We achieve this by implementing our educational products andteaching methods as simplified as the devices in schools all around the world. For example, teachers can use micro:bit and sensors to teach students to design a small greenhouse system and then use the Internet of Things technology to quickly transmit relevant values to smart devices. Teachers can change the temperature or humidity in real-time to allow students to observe different changes, record them, and then use them for study, analysis, and understanding of the operation of the greenhouse system.
Compared with the traditional textbook learning model, this teaching model can stimulate students’ interest and cultivate their observation ability. With our products we hope to trigger the scientific imagination of the children, and bring their creativity to life through these smart kits. At the end of the day, we would like to lay a better foundation for future learning.